Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inspired by Love

Today I was inspired by a quote I found.

"What you love is a sign from your higher self of what you are to do."
Sanaya Roman

When I was younger I knew I always had a passion for reading. Sometimes, I stifled my dream by pursuing a career more stable, more reliable like education. Looking back all I ever wanted to do was read books. When I had sleep overs I would encourarge my friends to have a reading hour. As I grew up and I was joyriding with friends, while they were listening to music, I was on the passenger side reading a book. When I went to College I found myself easily buying books instead of buying clothes. At home fedex or ups was always delivering a book from or Barnes and Noble. Many Saturdays I would stop at Borders to get my quick book fix for the weekend.

What am I saying? I am saying I absolutely love books! I love everything about them! How they feel in my hand, the smell of the page, the snap of a cover. How they look on my bookcase. I am completely infatuated with them. Infatuated is too light of a word. I am simply in love with books.

So taking this quote as truth. What am I to do with a love for reading books? I guess what I am doing now by reviewing books. Maybe one day I will be an author, and I will write a few bestsellers! Or maybe I will pen a book of award winning poetry, or compilation of inspiring essays. The sky is the limit!!


Angel Numbers 101

Title: Angel Numbers 101
Author: Doreen Virtue

For a long time I always saw the number "421" everywhere I went. I would wake up at 4:21am, look at the clock at 4:21, see a license plate "421", have a receipt that totals 421.

Deep inside I always knew seeing this number sequence was a message. One evening while looking at new book selections, I ran into a couple who were huge Virtue fans. We began to discuss books and somehow we got on the subject of numbers. They introduced me to this book, and I have been hooked ever since. I flipped to the passage for 421, and it immediately resonated with me.

I recommend this book for anyone who has had a similar experience with repeating numbers, numerologists, die hard Virtue fans, and those interested in the ministry of angels.

You can read other review or purchase this book at Amazon
or Barnes and Noble.

Angels 101: Book Review

Title: Angels 101
Author: Doreen Virtue

Angels 101 is a nondenominational overview of who the angels are; their role in various spiritual texts and religions; the ways that angels help us and how to call upon them; information on guardian angels, archangels, and departed loved ones; and frequently asked questions about the angels. No matter where you are on a spiritual or religious path, this book is sure to deepen your understanding and love of the angels—and it makes the perfect gift for someone new to these concepts!
My Review:
In Angels 101 Doreen Virtue provides information for the angel novice. I thought it was exciting information presented in a simple format. Virtue took the time to explain each angels duties and what they specialize in. I really can appreciate her explaining interactions, and information about angels in a non-denominational format.  Now for those of you who have an e-reader Nook or Kindle, I suggest you purchase this book in the traditional hardback format. If you don't you are really going to miss out on all of the rich artwork, and illustrations that are provided.

After finishing this book I felt a renewal in my spiritual walk. Knowing that the angels are with me ready to assist me in whatever I need. All I have to do is ask!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bedtime Blessing Prayer

I really love this picture !! It reminds me of how we are all connected through spirit, under the banner of love.

It also reminds me of a prayer I used to pray when I was younger. It is a simple prayer I used to pray before bedtime. I used to think about all of the people I wanted to pray for, but thought I would forget. So I came up with this prayer.


Please protect everyone connected to me in heart. Please bless all the people connected to them as well


Now as I got older my prayers became more "sophisticated", but I believe it is the innocence in this prayer that makes it effective.

Be Blessed

Wisdom's Prayer

Dear Divine Wisdom,

I am in need of wisdom on this day. The wisdom to know which choice to make, the choice that is for my greater good. The courage to follow through in the directions, ideas, and insights you give me. I am asking for an endowment of discernment and wisdom on this day. Synchronize my every move with the subtlities of coincidence. Remove anything that desensitizes me to the whisperings of my heart. Allow me to be in tune with purpose today.


Monday, January 24, 2011

My Prayer Bliss

 One thing I do know; If I don't know anything else, is I love to pray. I love to study prayer. I love to practice it. Through the years I have found many different ways people express prayer. It is my desire to share my prayers in the hopes that it will inspire someone else to partake in the delightfulness of it.

Dear Divine,

My hearts prayer is that this blog will provide inspiration and illumination in the minds, and hearts of people. To unite people to pray with one voice, using the harmony of the heart to unite us; for unification, illumination, and community. Let our prayers be made incense; permeating the atmosphere with love, peace, and unity.
